
Privacy Policy Page

Privacy Policy


Effective Date January 01, 2021

Thewatchdesigner.com values the members of our website. Your privacy and trust are important to us. We know that you may be concerned about the personality identifiable information that we collect when you use our website and the services provided by our website. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to describe the information that we collect from you, how we collect the information, and what we will handle with it after we collect it. Thewatchdesigner.com’s goal is to provide protection for your personal information no matter where that information is collected, transferred, or retained. By using the Thewatchdesigner.com website you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions or comments with this Privacy Policy, please contact us at: privacy@thewatchdesigner.com

Collection of Personal Information

Personal information we used is primarily for our own internal purposes, such as providing, maintaining, serving and enhancing the service and website of Thewatchdesigner.com, fulfilling the request for information, producing the products, and shipping the products you order, and providing the customer services to you. For example, if you create a Premium Store Account in our website, we will use the information you provide us to do better communications with you, Paypal account information for the purpose of delivering your commission payment. And if you sign up our newsletters, we will use the email address you provide to send you the newsletters you are interested. We also collect non-personal information from you, such as your browser type, urls, your ISP, operating system and your IP address. This information cannot be easily used to identify you.

Use of Personal Information

Personal information provided to us may be transferred worldwide within Thewatchdesigner.com or to third parties providing services to Thewatchdesigner.com including but not limited to across borders, from our country or collective area to other countries or collective areas around the world. Some of the ways in which we will use the personal information provided us include:
1) to take, process or deliver your order, process or obtain payment or notify you of the status of your order;
2) to provide it to industry and credit related organizations for security, credit or fraud prevention purposes;
3) to provide you with effective customer service or technical support;
4) to monitor service or purchasing;
5) to provide you with service updates, announcements, and other product offerings;
6) to send you, with your consent, newsletters or promotional emails or other promotional activities;
7) to permit you to participate in online surveys and polls, assuming you voluntarily agree to provide such information in connection with these surveys and polls;
8) to improve Thewatchdesigner.com’s website, the customers experience and any related products or services.
We will take reasonable steps to ensure any person or entity receiving personal information for the purposes described above, are obligated to protect the personal information on your behalf. We may contract with various third parties who help us provide, maintain and improve the services of our website. We also contract with several online partners to help manage, monitor and optimize our website and the Thewatchdesigner.com services and to help us measure the effectiveness of our advertising, communications and how visitors use the our website. We will try our best efforts to prevent such third parties from disclosing your personal information,

Disclosure of Personal Information

Thewatchdesigner.com will disclose your personal information directly to you upon your request; provided, however, that we may reject all or part of your request when:
1. the disclosure may harm life, the body, the property and the other rights of yourself or the third parties,
2. the disclosure may lead the remarkable difficulties to the appropriate operation of our business or
3. the disclosure may lead to a breach of other laws and regulations.
Generally speaking we do not disclose your information to third parties without your consent. We do reserve the right to do so if it is necessary to the operation and continued growth of our company or to protect the rights of others.
We may disclose your Personal Information to prevent an emergency, to protect or enforce our rights, to protect or enforce the rights of a third party, or as required by law (including, without limitation, to comply with a subpoena or court order). If you are a store seller, we may disclose your information to a third party that alleges you have infringed on their intellectual property rights through the products in your Thewatchdesigner.com Store. Alternatively, if you allege that a seller has infringed on your intellectual property rights, we may disclose your information to that seller.
Thewatchdesigner.com also employs other companies to provide services to us in connection with your transaction. We do use companies to process credit card payments, deliver packages, provide marketing aid, and analyze data. These organizations may have access to personal information as required to permit them to perform their obligations to us. In the event Thewatchdesigner.com merges with another entity, is acquired by another entity, or enters into a business combination with another entity, Thewatchdesigner.com may be required to disclose some or all of your personally identifiable information to that entity to continue serving you.
Thewatchdesigner.com is not in the business of selling, trading or renting personal information. We will not use or share your personally identifiable information with others except those individuals or entities which have a business relationship with Thewatchdesigner.com.

Cookies and Web Beacons

We may use “Cookies” and “Web Bbeacons”. “Cookies” are small text files that are transferred to and from your computer’s hard disk to our website. Most websites use cookies, to track your use of the services of Thewatchdesigner.com, in order to provide you better personalized user experience, and to allow you to login and begin use the Thewatchdesigner.com services automatically when you visit and re-visit our website. “Web Beacons” are used to monitor the behavior of the user visiting the website or receiving the email.


Cookie and web beacons used by Thewatchdesigner.com and our store sellers, they are not linked to personal information. Some of our store sellers may use “cookie” and “web beacons” in their store of Thewatchdesigner.com. We have no access to or control over these cookies and web beacons. This privacy policy covers the use of cookies and web beacons by Thewatchdesigner.com only, and does not cover the use of cookies and web beacons by any other third parties, store sellers, or advertisers.

Children’s Privacy

This site is not aimed to attract children and its objective is to not collect personal information from children. Anyone under the age of 13 should not use this website. We will delete any information in our database that we know originates from a child under the age of 13. For age of users  between 13 and 17, they can only use our website services under their parents or legal guardian’s supervision. If you get any question about the personal information collected by us, please contact us at privacy@thewatchdesigner.com



Customers who buy through Thewatchdesigner.com’s system are shopping on a secure server which encrypts customer’s credit card information and passwords. Thewatchdesigner.com uses a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to encrypt your personal information and protect it from disclosure, destruction, modification, or use. We will follow generally accepted industry standards to protect your personal information. However, there are no 100% secure over the internet or methods of electronic storage. Therefore we will try our best efforts to use commercially acceptable methods to protect your personal information, we can not guarantee its absolute security.

Your Choices

You can decide whether or not to provide your personal information with Thewatchdesigner.com. However, if you do not provide personal information you may not be able to make purchases, enlist services or access certain offers or options that may be of benefit to you. At the time you provide your information, we will offer you the choice as to whether or not you wish to receive further communications about special offers, product information, newsletters or other messages. You can unsubscribe to any of our newsletters or special promotional mail at anytime by emailing us remove@thewatchdesigner.com

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Thewatchdesigner.com may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of such amendments or changes by updating the “Effective Date”  at the top of this Privacy Policy.

Contact Information

If you would like to contact us with questions or comments concerning our Privacy Policy or if you feel your comment or concern has not been addressed to your satisfaction, please contact Thewatchdesigner.com via email info@thewatchdesigner.com